Sundays |
Sunday ServicesFor information about our Sunday Services please see our Sunday Services page. Choir5.30 pm most Sundays (except in summer). Our choir of 30-40 people often meet for an hour to practice for special events. It's fun and all are welcome. JFC - Jesus Fan Club6.30 pm JFC youth group meets on alternate weeks at Camperdown House.
Mondays |
Art Club10.00 - 12.00 pm weekly. Craft Club2.30 - 4.00 pm on alternate weeks. See the Calendar page for exact dates. |
Tuesdays |
Toddlers 9.15 - 11.00 am on Tuesday and Thursdays during school term. Prayer and Bible Study7.30 - 8.30 pm most Tuesdays. (Housegroups meet on the 2nd Tuesday each month - see below.) House Groups7.30 pm on the 2nd Tuesday in the month. Small groups meet in various homes for fellowship, Bible study and prayer together. |
Wednesdays |
Coffee Drop-In9.30 - 11.30 am in the church hall. Bible Fellowship10 am. A home Bible study group Ladies Afternoon Fellowship2.30 - 3.30 pm. Men's Afternoon Fellowship2.30 - 3.30 pm. Xalt Kids (Children's Club)4.45pm till 6pm. See the Youth Activities page for more information. Xalt (Children's Club)6.30pm till 8pm. See the Youth Activities page for more information. |
Thursdays |
Toddlers9.15 - 11.00 am on Tuesday and Thursdays during school term. |